

If you want to donate, you can send your donation to the following account:
IBAN: DE 33 4286 0003 0005 5909 06


In addition, you can donate directly via online banking using the form below (for safety reasons, you will be redirected to
Donations for our school can be deducted as tax deductions according to § 10 b EStG or § 9 Abs. 1 KStG. Donations receipts (officially: attendance certificate) can be issued through the parish office of the parish Ewaldi, whereby the proof for each individual donation up to 200 € to the tax office in accordance with § 50 para. 2 sentence 1 no. 2 letter a) EStDV can be done by the bank statement. If you would like to receive a donation receipt and do not live in the parish of St. Josef, Bocholt, please enter your address in the intended purpose or send an e-mail with your address to


You want to get involved with us for the project? Become part of the one-world circle. About every six weeks we meet at the parish home Ewaldi and plan the various actions to support and inform about the project. The contact person for participation in the one-world circle is Andre Bösing. We look forward to welcoming you!

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